SELECT count(ID) as CNT FROM DAT_HAISYA WHERE ENABLE='ENABLE:公開中' AND PREF='福島県' AND ( ( (TMP05 = '西若松駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '南若松駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '門田駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = 'あまや駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '芦ノ牧温泉駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '大川ダム公園駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '芦ノ牧温泉南駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '湯野上温泉駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '塔のへつり駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '弥五島駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津下郷駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = 'ふるさと公園駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '養鱒公園駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津長野駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '田島高校前駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津田島駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '中荒井駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津荒海駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津山村道場駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '七ヶ岳登山口駅' and PREF='福島県') or (TMP05 = '会津高原尾瀬口駅' and PREF='福島県') ) ) ;