SELECT count(ID) as CNT FROM DAT_HAISYA WHERE ENABLE='ENABLE:公開中' AND PREF='千葉県' AND ( ( (TMP05 = '千葉駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '本千葉駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '蘇我駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '鎌取駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '誉田駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '土気駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '大網駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '永田駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '本納駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '新茂原駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '茂原駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '八積駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '上総一ノ宮駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '東浪見駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '太東駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '長者町駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '三門駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '大原駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '浪花駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '御宿駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '勝浦駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '鵜原駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '上総興津駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '行川アイランド駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '安房小湊駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '安房天津駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '安房鴨川駅' and PREF='千葉県') ) ) ;