SELECT count(ID) as CNT FROM DAT_HAISYA WHERE ENABLE='ENABLE:公開中' AND PREF='千葉県' AND ( ( (TMP05 = '川間駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '七光台駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '清水公園駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '愛宕駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '野田市駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '梅郷駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '運河駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '江戸川台駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '初石駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '流山おおたかの森駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '豊四季駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '柏駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '新柏駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '増尾駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '逆井駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '高柳駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '六実駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '新鎌ヶ谷駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '鎌ヶ谷駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '馬込沢駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '塚田駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '新船橋駅' and PREF='千葉県') or (TMP05 = '船橋駅' and PREF='千葉県') ) ) ;