SELECT count(ID) as CNT FROM DAT_HAISYA WHERE ENABLE='ENABLE:公開中' AND PREF='愛知県' AND ( ( (TMP05 = '豊橋駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '船町駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '下地駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '小坂井駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '牛久保駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '豊川駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '三河一宮駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '長山駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '江島駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '東上駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '野田城駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '新城駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '東新町駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '茶臼山駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '三河東郷駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '大海駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '鳥居駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '長篠城駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '本長篠駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '三河大野駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '湯谷温泉駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '三河槙原駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '柿平駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '三河川合駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '池場駅' and PREF='愛知県') or (TMP05 = '東栄駅' and PREF='愛知県') ) ) ;