SELECT count(ID) as CNT FROM DAT_HAISYA WHERE ENABLE='ENABLE:公開中' AND PREF='宮崎県' AND ( ( (TMP05 = '市棚駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '北川駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '日向長井駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '北延岡駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '延岡駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '南延岡駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '旭ケ丘駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '土々呂駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '門川駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '日向市駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '財光寺駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '南日向駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '美々津駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '東都農駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '都農駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '川南駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '高鍋駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '日向新富駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '佐土原駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '日向住吉駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '蓮ケ池駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '宮崎神宮駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '宮崎駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '南宮崎駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '加納駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '清武駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '日向沓掛駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '田野駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '青井岳駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '山之口駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '餅原駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '三股駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '都城駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '西都城駅' and PREF='宮崎県') or (TMP05 = '五十市駅' and PREF='宮崎県') ) ) ;